
Showing posts from October, 2022

A Debate Hotter than a Faulds Oven: 'Tavern Style Pizza' and its Provenance

Article by Mark Kot, Joe Terrell, Damion Anderson and Todd Gerber Edited by Ryan Terrell The label "Tavern Style Pizza" has brought angst for some pizza lovers, yet, others have embraced it to describe the thin crust, square, or party cut pizza widely available in the Chicagoland area.  Where did this term originate and is it a valid term that Chicagoans can embrace?  Many people are opposed to using this term, reasoning that was made up by non-Chicagoans and that our staple pizza should be referred to as "Thin Crust."  Before talking about our findings, I must say, we were divided on this subject - half of us never used the term and the other half used it regularly. The four of us run the Facebook group "Chicago Style Pizza," which currently has almost 30,000 members. As of late, there has been much buzz and debate over this term on the Facebook page, so we decided to step in. After spending much time down this rabbit hole, we found some very surprising -...